Thursday, 15 September 2016

18 Things I've Learnt in 18 Years


Well I'm writing this the night before my 18th birthday with a hot chocolate in hand and face mask setting and without being totally boring, I'm not exactly hyped about legally buying my first drink or all the other things that come with the big 18.

However, despite my lack of excitement, on such a momentous birthday-eve I am taking the time out to reflect on the past 18 years I've been alive and share with you some of the things I've learnt in my not-so-long life. To celebrate my 18th I'm going to go wild and do one of my favourite things... write you guys a list, woo enjoy!

18 Things I've Learnt in 18 Years

1. School years were the best years of my life so far. For some this may not be entirely true and while I was in school all I wanted to do was leave, however after leaving and entering the 'real world' I can see how easy my time at school was and how lucky I was to spend 6 hours everyday with some of my best friends; eating lunch together, running through the corridors and learning so much everyday. I'm glad I made the most out of my schooling and came away with some grades I'm really proud of but if I could go back in time and live through it all again, I would.

2. Document everything you can. Take photos, videos, keep a diary and use social media. The best thing I did with my time was taking photos and videos of myself with family and friends and posting them online, copying them onto discs and memory sticks. Looking back now (of course) most of them are totally embarrassing and cringe worthy but I've made them private on social media and I know in 10, 20, 30, 40 and even 50 years time I will look back with fond memories, laugh and thank myself for pulling out my original brick work Samsung camera phone all those years ago to document some of the best times of my life.

3. Laugh at yourself. This is one of my favourites, I'm a clumsy person and for a long time I would be overcome with embarrassment over the slightest mistake, trip or fall but I soon realised if I laugh along with it in these moments, they will change from 'omg how awkward was it when' to 'omg how funny was it when'.

4. Listen to stories. The best times I shared with my Grandad when I was younger were moments spent sitting with him listening to stories of him in the Navy, family holidays, his paper round, his mother and his firefighting career. I think personal accounts of moments in time and experiences can provide a lot more insight than a book or Google and a lot can be learnt by listening to someone else's memories and mistakes.

5. Sometimes its good to be alone, in silence. I find this is when blog ideas, questions and to-do lists come to mind and I can really focus on myself. Its also nice to shut off from the outside world occasionally - stop listening to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube and sit and think about what you want to do in the next week and reflect on what has happened the week gone by.

6. Make time to do things for you that make you happy. For me, its my blog but it could be a sport, reading, painting, filming, taking photos, baking or even cleaning. Do something proactive with your time that makes you happy and improves your day.

7. Put 100% effort into everything you do, even if you don't enjoy it. By putting in all your effort into everything you do you can look back and say you tried without questioning 'what if I tried harder'. Revise for exams, meet deadlines and spend the extra time on your jobs instead of scrolling through social media.

8. Make time for socialising. Especially through exam periods, summer jobs and seasonal family holidays friendships can be forgotten about subconsciously and you will miss it without realising. At least once a week make time for a skype call, a cinema trip, a sleepover, a late night drive, a meal or shopping spree to keep up with friends and stay active in society! I try to make sure to message 3 of my closest friends everyday to check in and see how they are (if they haven't already) as well as arranging to meet up regularly, but sometimes it can get hard and life gets busy but don't take it personally and try not to leave it so long next time.

9. Read books! I may be slightly bias towards this one as an English Language student but since really getting back into reading I have noticed a HUGE difference in my communication, spelling, style of writing, creativity, positivity and sleeping pattern! Yes, of course reading can help with grammar and communication and emotions I'm sure you've heard all that before, but sleeping is a big benefit to reading for me as I find it the perfect way to spend my last hour before nodding off to sleep (I also never used to dream before regular reading)...

10. Drink water and lots of it. For skin, hair, nails, digestion, energy, concentration and general health water is key! I haven't ever been a big one for drinking plenty throughout the day as my body never lets me know it needs hydrating but since making more of an effort in the past couple of years to drink more I have noted a great improvement in all of the above mentioned.

11. Save money but live life. I never understood these people who save everything they earn and sit at home not doing anything with it. Of course its vital to save but isn't it more important to LIVE? What if the world ended tomorrow or you were hit by a bus? You let all those great night outs, holidays, adventures and memorable parties pass you by because you didn't want to pay for the taxi, spend money eating out or buy that dress you keep eyeing up every time you walk by the shop. Save your money for bigger things like a car, house or whatever else but please don't save it all! Come up with a system, pay your bills, buy your groceries and split the rest into a percentage break 60/40, 70/30 or even 80/20 to save/spend.

12. Learning to drive is hard and expensive but the best thing you will ever do. It will cost you a shed load in lessons, tests, insurance etc. but the freedom you earn with passing the tests and achieving your license will be liberating so it is all worth it eventually.

13. Dogs are the best animal in the world and the best pet to have. Completely bias I know but my dog is the one thing I love more than anything in this world. The compassion, laughs, lessons and opportunities to see things differently they provide is the best thing I have experienced in my 18 years of living. My black lab turned 13 on August 26th and is still as much my best friend now as the moment we met and I would give everything I have and more to go back to the day we picked him up and drove him home in the back seat of my Grandad's car.

14. Being wrong is ok and will happen. When you're younger you so badly want to be right about everything: your opinions, knowledge and advice but sometimes you will be wrong, totally way out, no where near the answer and that is ok. Don't take yourself too seriously, apologise if needed and laugh it off. Live and learn.

15. Working as a waitress is the best and worst job you can have. The friends you make, memories you share and laughs you have will make up for the screaming kids, rude customers and long hours, even if in the moment it seems as though you could drop your pen and walk out right then and there because what the hell 'who needs this? Not me!' but trust me, stick it out for a bit and you'll realise its not the best job ever, but my god its good.

16. Having high hopes and big dreams is OK, in fact its great! Aim high and believe in yourself, work hard and stick at it and no one can talk you down or take credit when you get there because believe me, you will.

17. Music is everyone's therapy. There is music for everyone and when you find your love for music, whatever genre, you will love every moment that life has to offer. Go to concerts, use your headphones, play it too loud in your room, learn the words and relate totally to the words of someone you've never met. Music is something myself and billions of others couldn't be without.

18. My last and most important point. Be kind, compassionate and caring to EVERYONE. In school I had at least one friend in every social group, spoke to anyone who I came into contact with and although you won't get on with everyone you meet in your life because of a clash of opinions or personalities, don't hold a grunge or put them down, smile and accept it. I'm a strong believer in karma, whatever goes around comes around, whatever you put out there will come back. So just... be nice.

Can you relate you any of these? What have you leant in your lifetime?

Until next time, Toni. xo

Sunday, 11 September 2016

I Thought I Hated Wipes?

Yes I know, I know. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'm not a fan of make up or cleansing wipes - but these are a GAME CHANGER.

Garnier have released some new cleansing wipes that actually work! Although I would never rely on just wipes to remove make up etc. these are the first wipes I've come across where it feels like they're doing what they're supposed to. I can feel my make up lifting and my face being refreshed and I'm not left with a horrible sticky feeling after using them.

On top of the fact they actually wok, they're a great price. These wipes are the 'Start A Fresh' wipes and I picked them up from Boots [here] at £4 for 2 packs in a special offer! £4 for 50 wipes is 8 pence a wipe a I really cant grumble at that considering it takes 2 wipes (16 pence worth for anyone loving the price updates) for full make up removal and a 'fresh face' as promised on the pack!

As well as these wipes, Garnier have a whole selection of others to suit all skin types and required use!

All wipes can be found [here]!

1. Natural Cleansing Quilted

2. Oil Infused Micellar

3. Start A Fresh

4. Simply Essentials Facial

5. Active 2 in 1

6. Micellar Extra Gentle

There are literally wipes covering the Garnier stalls top to bottom in Boots so if you are interested in buying some of these, definitely don't go in blind like I did and be completely over whelmed where you grab whatever you see first and leave before the wipe madness becomes too much! Do some research on which wipes suit your skin and lifestyle best and will fit your intended purpose and budget! Just because I was lucky finding these that I love I think I still may go back and try out some of the others because they may provide me a better, more effective use.

So yes; to finish maybe I don't hate all wipes after all and maybe (just maybe) I can admit I've found wipes I love but no, I still don't and probably never will rely on wipes to completely remove my make up, I feel so much better after an exfoliator and cleanser washed off with some warm water, so maybe I wasn't entirely wrong...

Do you like wipes? Would you rely on a wipe solely?

Happy shopping wipe and non-wipe fans!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Dealing With Writer's Block

I'm writing this after looking at a blank page for an hour, I have literally just been sat for an hour going through blog post ideas, writing and rewriting so many different titles onto a blank draft. Every time I go to write the body of the post my hands hover over the keyboard waiting for inspiration to hit me and words to flow out and so far, they haven't.

So, I guess a streak of inspiration finally hit me as I realised what better time to write a post about writers block than when I have it!
a. It will be fresh on my mind and hopefully the post will be publish-worthy
b. it may bring me out of my writer's block rut and encourage me to write more posts

Personally, as a blogger there is nothing worse than having all these post ideas written down and not being able to produce them, it's frustrating but also really stressful because I like being ahead on posts and as ideas come to me I get excited knowing I can do that but my lack of motivation and inspiration to write stops me.

With that being said, here are my top 10 tips for getting over or coping with writer's block! (surprise surprise, in a list)

1. Take a break! Walk away and don't do what I did by sitting in front of a screen waiting for the words to come to you. It will happen when it's right.

2. Chat to blogger friends, see if they've got any ideas or if they've seen any great blog posts recently that might suit your style. Blogger friends are the best form of all things blogging related: the information, ideas and feedback you will get from them is far more personal, reliable and brutally honest than any twitter poll or comment section you will find.

3. Always always always write ideas down! I love doing this; anytime a blog idea, title, question, theme or anything at all comes to me, I write it down. Even if they're just messy notes on a receipt or ticket etc. from something you've done or seen/heard/ate/bought, if you look back in your notes you will find some form of inspiration to kick start your writing again.

4. Scroll through Pinterest! Even if its pictures of puppies, curtains, tattoos, wedding invites or DIY furniture it will get your creative juices flowing and before you know it something will come to you and away you'll go writing until your hands ache.

5. Read through the blogs you follow and catch up on those you've missed. On Bloglovin, something I always do whenever I really relate to or show interest in a post is like it, it may be because I plan to write a post similar in the future - following along the same lines but using my own experience - or just to save to read later because the title caught my eye! This may bring old ideas back or even kick start fresh, new ideas.

7. Speak to a real life person. Sometimes I find staring at a computer screen really makes me shut down. My typing slows and I become tired, hence lack of motivation to continue. Recently however whenever this has happened I've gotten up out of my seat; walked, stretched and can you believe it, spoken to an actual human being instead of typing my thoughts into an unresponsive draft post!

8. Drink water. This isn't just for when you hit the writer's wall, you should always have a very large bottle or glass of water by you whilst writing, I find it gives my hands a break, refreshes me and of course prevents me from having headaches, getting tired or feeling irritable.

9. Listen to music! My all time favourite way to listen to music for a source of inspiration always used to be to go onto 8tracks and find a great playlist, however since 8tracks has limited its services I can no longer use it effectively and so have turned to Spotify. Now, I never really rated Spotify (don't get me wrong the music, playlists and usability is great) but due to the ads and the fact I refused to pay for premium, the likability factor was never really there for me. However, after using it for several months I've realised the ads are hardly noticeable when you're on a good playlist and you're too deep into writing to even notice so NO I still haven't gone premium...

10. Now last but by no means least, STOP. You don't need to write this post right now, your life does not depend on it. For me personally I never have and probably never will have a strict post schedule to stick to. I don't have millions of followers waiting for the clock to hit 5pm to refresh my blog. I do this for me, writing is something I enjoy and stressing myself out is something I don't enjoy, so I try where possible to keep the two separate. If I feel my blog is stressing me out, I stop. I think a lot of bloggers put pressure on themselves to perform. I can completely understand if you're working with a brand and have a deadline you may worry when it comes to finalising posts or if your main source of income is from your blog it may become a worry; but for most of us this is a hobby, our thing on the side of our everyday lives and regular jobs, so post when you can, when you feel ready and happy with your content, you don't owe anyone anything.  

Now, after writing this list I'm feeling motivated, inspired and ready to write posts until my eyes glaze over and feel heavy! Who thought writing a post about writer's block would cure writer's block? I'm a big fan of irony.

Do you struggle with writer's block? What are your tips to help?

Until next time, Toni. xo

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Lip Care: All Year Through! | AD

Best thing about summer is of course the sun, best thing about winter is the cold (can't beat layered clothing) - but a lot of people forget something very important in both these key seasons and very often actually all year through - LIPS!

Your lips are so important to care for and so many people don't realise why so here is a little breakdown of 3 facts about your lips you may not have known before:

1. The skin on your lips is very thin- it can very easily burn, crack or peel.

2. The blood supply is very close to the surface, hence why lips are pinky/red - in severe cases lips may bleed!

3. Your lips contain absolutely no oil glands, so they don't produce any natural oils like the rest of your skin does - they can quickly and easily become seriously dehydrated!

I know what you're thinking, lick them if they feel dry or drink water, but this is only a temporary fix, when this moisture dries it takes away any natural moisture that was already on there in the first place- starting off this nasty cycle all over again.

It is so important to moisturise your lips all day, everyday to avoid: chapping, cracking, sun burn or worse and simply licking them, drinking water or rubbing them will not suffice! There are so many lip products out there that claim to do such a great job at protecting and moisturising your lips but I've gathered together a few of my all time favourites that I have tried and tested and can confirm from experience 100% that they do what it says on the packaging.

Vaseline- an old classic I know but this product will never get old, whether you have the original, scented or tinted tin it will work wonders on your ever so precious lips.

Baby Lips- the new lip and blush ball balm is a product I have been loving as of lately and recommend highly for both the quality and the amazing scents available.

Delicieuse - a French brand that I discovered through Glossybox and now couldn't be without, this lip balm works best under lipstick!

Dirty Works - one of the many things I love about this lip balm range is the scents, my personal favourite being watermelon with a discreet yet noticeable pink tint in colouring.

Carmex- if you have never heard of or tried this miracle in a tube where have you been? This has saved me during multiple colds and since discovering the cherry flavour is a definite go to in my collection.

Saving the best until last however is EOS- Evolution of Smooth have hit the nail right on the head with their lip balms, providing a huge range of flavours (my personal favourite being Summer Fruit) that give the ultimate moisture drench for your lips in both hot and cold weather conditions. The organic and gluten free smooth spheres are not only easy to use, long lasting and lightweight but come packaged in the cutest and most original format, there is no tube to squeeze and no pot to wipe your finger around, it is literally twist to open and glide on to use!

So there you go, you have no excuse now, you know why lips are so important to look after and you know my top 6 go to products with EOS coming in at #1!

Do you moisturise your lips regularly? What are your favourite products?

Until next time, Toni. xo

Disclaimer: this post is very kindly sponsored by EOS. All opinions and media included belongs to tonigeorgiaxo.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

I'm a Coconut Queen!

I hadn't actually ever heard of Coconut Lane until a few weeks back when I stumbled upon the twitter page and fell in love with some of their products after scrolling through their website, so when Jessica from the company got in contact and offered me the opportunity to be a 'Coconut Queen' I jumped at the chance.

Admittedly, I didn't really have any idea what this meant or included but Jessica very kindly explained they would simply provide me opportunities to guest post on the blog, host chats, come along to events, feature photos on their site, run giveaways and so much more! I was also provided with a discount code for my own use and also one to share with you guys- go and check out the site and use my code below for discounted charges!

My discount code is: tonigeorgia20 - simply enter it at the checkout for 20% off!!

My experience so far with the owners and runners of Coconut Lane is all positive, they are building a close knit and welcoming community for bloggers and offer opportunities to work alongside them to provide great products at even better prices! The website features a wide range on products including cushions, wall art, jewellery, phone cases, laptop covers, socks, sunglasses and a whole bunch of stationary. The products are designed by many different people and the company collaborate with designers and manufacturers to sell them worldwide. Products featured in this post include the 'Rules Wall Art' and the 'Melt Notebook'.

You can actually apply to be a 'Coconut Queen' if you're interested in becoming involved with and working this fantastic brand through your blog, click [here] to find out more.

Until next time, Toni. xo


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored, all opinions are my own. Discount code courtesy of Coconut Lane UK.

Friday, 26 August 2016


If you're active in the blogger community you will have probably seen this logo or the #GRLPOWR circulating A LOT and if you're unsure what it is or how to get involved, look no further, I have your answers!


What is GRLPOWR? - A brand new blogging community to bring bloggers from all spheres closer together to share content, information and advice both blogging and life related!

What will GRLPOWR do? - On Twitter and Instagram if you hashtag #grlpowr or mention @grlpowrchat in your blog post releases the accounts will RT and share your posts further to help you build an audience and grow your blog.

How will the community be formed? - The twitter page @GRLPOWR will hold a bloggers chat on #GRLPOWR every Tuesday 9pm, Thursday 8pm and Sunday ALL DAY for you to become involved with, ask questions, get advice, share opinions and get to know other bloggers and even guest host to choose your own topics!

How was GRLPOWR founded? - Personally for me this is the best part! A group of bloggers (myself included) met through a twitter chat and proceeded to create a group DM on twitter, the idea was proposed and happened over night, within 48 hours we've had nearly 200+ followers and a growing hub of excitement and support from bloggers everywhere!

When will chats start? - Tuesday August 30th!

How do I guest host? - Tweet us your ideas or message any one from the admin team with your idea of topic and a date (Tuesday or Saturdays only) you would like to host and we will proceed from there! I am hosting a chat Tuesday 13th September if you are interested, pop over and get involved!

What happens now? - Chats will start 3 times weekly using the hashtag, we will share content and grow our community. We are also in the process of arranging a meet up event in London on the 10th-11th of December in Winter Wonderland. Originally this was a chance for admin members to get to know and meet each other, however due to the amazing support and interest already shown we have decided to extend this to anyone who is interested in joining!

If you want to get to know all admin members and learn more about GRLPOWR that hasn't been answered in this post check out:

@GRLPOWR and #GRLPOWR on Twitter or Instagram


I have also left a link to everyone's blogs and Twitters below so go an show some love to your fellow bloggers!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Admin's Blog & Twitter Links

Em - @EmLDunn 

Em - @ohfab 

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Low Price Lashes

A few weeks back I had a full day of well needed retail therapy with a friend and bought way too many things I didn't need, with way too much money I shouldn't have spent but did this form of therapy work for us? Oh yes!

We went into all the usual retail shops for clothes, make up and shoes, wandered around for hours finally topping the whole thing of with a McFlurry and a couple of selfies for IG. However, one of my favourite shops we went into was Outfit where I found these bargain lashes! Now although I've never been huge on full falsies I thought I would give them a go as later this year I've got a lot of night outs, special events and excuses to get glammed up for.

I've always liked the look of Eylure lashes and so when I saw them on sale didn't think twice about seizing the moment. This offer featured '3 for 2' and so I picked some up to give them a go!

035- light, fluttery and lengthening! What I loved most about these lashes is the way they ever so slightly grow longer towards the very center and are even on the eye completely.

100- fuller, darker and ever so slightly lengthening (perfect for day time). I find with the other lashes I need to apply a slight coating of mascara to blend them into my real lashes, however with these I really don't think it is needed which makes them so comfortable and easy to wear.

Cheryl 114- I definitely saved the best until last here with these lashes from Cheryl's collection. These ones are the most light weight out of all 3 and if I had the time and effort to, I would wear them everyday! They're so soft and easy to apply which meant throughout the day I hardly remembered I was wearing them. I also received a lot of compliments on these as they're clearly not natural lashes and they do stand out, however they're not ridiculously thick, long or dark and I think that's why I love them. They're the perfect mixture of everything and I will definitely be repurchasing these very soon!

The only thing about Eylure that isn't great is the glue provided but I think one application could last me around 5 hours securely before I would feel the need to re-apply. I wore the 035 to work to test the staying power and although after a 6 hour shift they weren't hanging off, I definitely think the last hour I could feel them on my eyes more than previous and they began to move around. However, the quality and consistency of the lashes are outstanding.

I would 100% recommend Eylure to anyone after some budget-friendly, top quality lashes. Not only have they got one of the most varied selection of lashes I've ever seen but also do special occasion and seasonal lashes which I think, especially at Halloween, you could have a lot of fun with!

Do you wear falsies? Would you try them? What's your favourite brand?

Until next time, Toni. xo

Saturday, 20 August 2016


I have some exciting news to share... I've been asked to be a bridesmaid in November along with 7 others, that's right SEVEN,  big wedding! I've been a bridesmaid twice in the past (admittedly both quite a while back) and also work at a hotel part time which hosts 2/3 weddings every weekend so feel like I understand the general running of the typical wedding day so hopefully this will help me out in November. As it's been a while- I better dust off my best aisle walk and polish up on small talk for the big day. This wedding is going to be very big, very busy and very beautiful.

The date is November 19th and I'm praying for snow, imagine the perfect white wedding! It is a church marriage then onto a 200+ room hotel for the reception and evening-do. By far the most nerve racking part for me will be in the church, I am the first to walk down the aisle along with the only flower girl so all eyes will be focused our way. This I am not excited about and any of you who know me will know I'm one of the most naturally clumsy people going. Here's hoping I don't trip in front of a church full of people who will either:
A. be in my life forever and remind me endlessly of my embarrassment with photos and videos
B. have never met me and be presented with this moment as their first impression...

Anyway, lets not dwell on the horror that could become all too real on the day, but instead think up a helpful and handy list all bridesmaids should read prior to the wedding planning beginning (I love lists).

All Things Bridesmaids Should Know, Have and Do

1. Help to dress shop - for bridesmaids dresses and bridal gowns! Attending shopping trips for dress hunting, appointments for alterations and final fittings closer to the date can be tiring and time consuming but are very important dates for the diary you need to allow for.

2. Try and remember guests names and make small talk with them (drunk or not!) You are a representative of the bride and as she will be busy 99.9% of the day, help her out by giving guests attention, strangers included.

3. That takes me onto this point: try and stay as sober as possible not to humiliate yourself, the bride or anyone else, but also drink enough so that you dance all night and fill up the dance floor constantly.

4. Be prepared to help with the final details, colour scheme, flowers, decor, timings etc. This may be long winded but the bride will value and appreciate the time and effort you make.

5. Toilet duty! Hold the bride's dress and stand in the toilet with her - no complaining...

6. The bride is bound to be a bundle of nerves both leading up to and on the big day. You and any other members of the bridal party are there for support and you must remind her she is making the right decision and running off and leaving him at the alter isn't the best plan (not always anyway).

7. Carry tissues, lipstick, concealer and gum with you. You never know when things could get emotional and you need to be able to clean yourself up quickly as photos will be being taken from all angles, all day. You will also be meeting a lot of people so keep your manners in check and make the bride thankful she chose you, use gum and even hand sanitizer if you're going to be the social butterfly for the day by getting round as many guests as possible.

8. Gifting the new happy couple is important as a bridesmaid in wishing them all the best and setting them in good stead for their future. You could take the easy option and offer to pay for something towards the wedding as a token gesture and early gift or you could be like me and make everything 10x more difficult for yourself by leaving those opportunities to pass you by and be stuck thinking up different ideas to top the 'regular' guests presents. Oh the wedding politics!

9. Both the bride and bridesmaids need to discuss the hair, make up and nails for the day. Obviously all the bridesmaids can't be totally different, but never the less should still be sporting their own style within reason. This is where the bride comes in, she has to A-OK every detail as of course its her big day. Also, as a bridesmaid, be financially ready for this! I know a lot of brides now pay for most of the treatments bridesmaids have as part of the 'package deal' but if not, get saving. Hair, make up, nails and tanning isn't cheap, especially if you are having trial runs prior to the day.

10. This is the biggest and best yet: the HEN-DO/BRIDAL SHOWER/BACHELORETTE party!! You and the other bridesmaids must organise and host the most outstanding celebration of the bride's final moments of 'single' life that she will remember and cherish forever. Think themes, costumes, location, invites, surprises, cocktails, clubs etc. etc. We have actually already planned, paid for and prepared for this (OCTOBER 7th-9th) but I will be writing a whole separate blog post on this afterwards!!

Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Are you going to be? Do you have any helpful advice? Let me know!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Mac's Vanilla Pigment

Pigments don't get enough attention, it's all about pressed powders and creams at the moment but I cant help but love loose pigment. Mac's Vanilla Pigment is no exception to this love affair, this comes in as my no.1 favourite and in the summer is undoubtedly on my face everyday.

I tend to use this as a highlighter and trust me you DO NOT need a lot! A tiny spot of this on your cheek bone with a highlighter brush to blend and you are set to blind people all day long with the glow you'll be sporting. This is also absolutely unbeatable for highlighting on the cupids bow on your lip and tip of your nose, listen to me when I say you only need a TINY bit - this is a pigment and therefore clearly very pigmented, it goes a long way and this tiny tub will last you yonks!

Another use for this pigment is the inside corners of your eyes to brighten up any make up look. I especially love using this on a smokey darker look as this tiny pop in the corner opens up your eye so much. Alternatively, for festivals, concerts etc. you could really go to town with this pigment using it boldly on your eyes as well as a highlight to fully open up and brighten your face.

To apply this pigment I use the mac 228 brush. I actually have two of these brushes as I use one for the eyes and another to apply the highlight to make sure I don't get a random smokey contour transfer from my eye! Obviously I then blend with bigger brushes and add more when necessary but like I said with this pigment less is definitely more!

Do you use pigment? What do you use it for? What's your all time favourite one?

Until next time, Toni. xo

Tuesday, 16 August 2016



I've always loved holidays who doesn't, right? But this is different, this isn't a holiday in a hotel watching the same entertainment for two weeks and ordering the same pitcher night after night, oh no. This is full on adventures: learning about new cultures, last minute decisions, meeting new people, trying street food and sleeping on lumpy hostel mattresses with people who will become your life long friends. I wanna travel.

Of course I'm not ruling out lying on a beach for a day and catching some rays and by no means am I excluding the odd cocktail here and there but these places I want to travel to are where I want to immerse myself in the cultures, meet local people and explore everything they have to offer.

I'm working a lot at the moment saving for my first car and hopefully by the end of this year I will be driving round town in a little rust bucket I've earned all off my own back but what about after that? What am I going to work towards? I've been thinking recently that I've never really been a mega adventurous person and I kind of what that to change. So, when I've got my car and I'm tootling around town hopefully my savings will once again start to build, but this time for travelling; seeing the world, meeting new people and making life long memories.


- Italy: I want to taste the food, take a picture with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, dip my toes in Lake Garda and go to a show in Milan fashion week.

- Greece: In particular Santorini and Mykonos. Walking the cobbled streets along the white buildings and through food markets would put me in the setting one of my all time favourite films 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants' which is when I fell in love with the beautiful country.

- Venice: Of course I want to ride on a Gondola and have a man in a striped t-shirt and straw hat sing to me whilst floating under bridges and past small buildings draped with fairy lights, doesn't everyone?

- Rome: The Colosseum would be a dream to visit, walk around and watch a show in. I think this is a place I would love to go with my mum as I know she shares the same love for the Colosseum's beauty.

- Paris: This is a must for me, I would have to try snails, frogs legs and of course walk up to the highest point of the Eiffel Tower.

- Dubai: This is one of the exceptions to a hostel! Just for one night I would need to stay in a luxury hotel and be treated like royalty before going off quad biking in a desert somewhere and wandering through the back street markets.

- Hawaii: This is where in the world I want to learn to surf, swim with dolphins and in dream world meet Alex O'Loughlin from Hawaii Five-0 ...

- India: Mainly for the cuisine but also for the amazingly bright and colourful traditional clothing. I would take pictures in front of the Taj Mahal and the India Gate and shop at tiny shops and huts for souvenirs.

- Amsterdam: Visiting Anne Frank's house and reading her accounts is definitely a big part of my travel plans. Also, hiring a bike and joining in on the chaotic road systems would be a lot of fun. 

- South Africa: a dream of mine is to go on Safari and I couldn't think of any place better therefore this country definitely makes it on my list.

- Australia: Sydney Opera House, hold a Koala bear and Great Barrier Reef scuba diving. Must I say any more?

- New Zealand: this one is more personal for me as I have a lot of family over on the other side of the world I've never met and would love to. It's a goal of mine to get to them one day.

- Las Vegas: visit the strip, watch the fountain show, take a picture with the famous sign and watch Elvis live (who else!)

- San Francisco: to take a picture with the Golden Gate Bridge and ride the cable cars.

- NYC: to do well everything possible! Visit the World Trade Center memorial, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Flat Iron building, Grand Central Station, Empire State and even Wall St. I could go on all day!

- Hollywood: Take a hike up to the sign, walk Hollywood Boulevard and take pictures with every iconic star on the Walk of Fame!

- Seattle: Purely for the Space Needle, it's featured in a series of books I once read and a film I love and ever since I've needed to go.

- Route 66: take endless pictures of the sign, search for Aliens and drive in a soft top car with good food, friends and music along the way (ultimate road trip!)

- Rio De Janeiro: I would love to be lucky enough to go to Rio and witness a carnival and visit the Christ the Redeemer statue.

- Maldives: If I ever get married this will be my honeymoon destination, have you seen the place! Literally like another world.

And that's it! All the places I would love to travel to and explore before I miss my chance.

Do you have a travel bucket list? Do any of the countries on my list make it onto yours? If they do is there something you want to do that I haven't mentioned? Let me know!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Monday, 15 August 2016

Learning to Drive: Theory Test!

Learning to drive is one of the best, most important, stressful, exciting and expensive lessons of your life and most people can't wait to start but I delayed starting to learn to drive for way too long after I received my provisional licence.

I'm now very close to being able to take my practical test (according to my driving instructor) so a few weeks back I got myself into gear - excuse the pun- and started learning the highway code, laws and rules of the road ready to take my theory test. I booked my test and arrived at the test centre a bundle of nerves, confidence, excitement and dread but after a very speedy 30 minute test passed with 49/50 on the questions and 63/75 on hazard perception. Obviously I was very happy to have passed and not needing to worry about the endless highway code again was a big relief but most of all I was just glad I didn't have to pay again to re-sit the test! Like I said this learning to drive stuff can become very expensive and saving money where possible is a total bonus. I thought I would share the methods I used for learning and passing the test in order to help any fellow learners out and hopefully save you some time and money in the long run!

1. Revise! There is A LOT to learn and you don't want to leave it until a week before to start learning everything you will need to know in order to pass. Do little bits at a time and don't sit in front of a book, computer or app for hours on end because you will become incredibly bored and nothing will stick! I tried to do at least one topic everyday and then when I had completed them all went over them again and again. When completing a topic make sure to look at the case studies and look at and familiarise yourself with your incorrect answers for next time.

2. When you're in a car or walking or near a road look up from your phone or just try and pay more attention to your surroundings, you will be amazed by how much you will notice and learn just from looking. Try and remember the placement of different signs and what they are near that way you will understand further what they mean. The same rule applies for road markings, look out the window or ahead on the road and notice the size, colour, shape and placement of lines and how vehicles respond to them.

3. Ask questions to literally everyone - taxi drivers, bus drivers, family, your driving instructor or even google! If you see something you're not sure of or not familiar with -ask! You will be amazed how many people want to show off their knowledge of the highway code (or even how many people you will catch out). I pay my driving instructor for practical driving lessons but he was always happy to answer any questions I had and even provided me with extra information I couldn't get from a book. Use your resources around you and you'll be amazed how much things sink in and start making total sense!

4. Familiarise yourself with the test- there is nothing worse than going into something not knowing what to expect, especially a test! You can read up on the format of the test or take the tests as a mock online repeatedly for free! I used an app called 'Theory Test' from the Apple App Store which was an Official DVLA certified app costing around £7.99. This turned out to be my biggest testing and learning resource as it was so practical and user friendly. It included all information, highway code manual, mock questions, case studies as well as videos for hazard perception. You could also take a full test which showed the time allowance, number of questions etc. just like the real thing. Any incorrect or unanswered questions could be revisited and progress was recorded and shown to allow you to track improvements, weak areas and uncovered topics.

5. Think positive! My friend once told me 'if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail' which is something her dad once said to her and that has always stuck with me and encouraged me to revise and prepare for everything! Therefore, when I'm prepared I cant help but feel positive about the outcome of a task and I think a positive mind leads to positive outcome as you feel more confident, relaxed and ready to face a task.

Have you taken the theory test? Are you preparing to take it? What are your top tips?

Good luck to any fellow learners!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Black Head EX Pore Strip: Review

I will always remember the 1st time I watched the film 'Mean Girls' and I had no idea what Regina George was talking about when she said her pores were huge (I was like 8?) 

However, I have definitely felt her pain in the past few years and searched endlessly for the resolution to the problem so many people face and I'm happy to say I think I've found it - Regina you are welcome! After trying countless masks, scrubs, creams and even oils I came across a review on YouTube of these 'Black Head EX Pore Strips' and decided after seeing the results that I had to give them a go. After seeing the incredibly low price I doubted their reliability and the results they promised but bought a bunch anyway for something like £5 for 10?!

These strips come in sachets containing roughly 2 uses in each. The product is basically a black, tar-like mask that you apply in layers until thick and solid on your face. When the product is dry you pull it off slowly from the bottom upwards and literally watch your black heads and pores disappear. Admittedly the whole removal process is a bit gross and slightly eye watering but the final results are beyond worth it.

I use a strip once a week across my nose, chin, forehead and cheeks and have noticed a remarkable improvement in my skin. After a week I hardly need to use a strip but continue the weekly routine to keep my skin a good, clean condition and keep the black heads at bay.
The price, product and result are absolutely unbelievable and I could not recommend this enough. Even if you try one out for less than £1 and don't like it, at least you haven't spent hours searching around only to spend a fortune on a useless product you will probably never use again.

If only Regina could have found these answers to all her pore problems!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Beauty Blender: Tips & Tricks

Beauty blenders are great, they've basically found themselves in everyone's make up bag in the past year or two but I cant help feel they are being mistreated and therefore underappreciated so I wanted to share some of the best things you can do to and with your beauty blender to get the best results!

1. WET IT! Please, please, please, never use your beauty blender dry- it is going to absorb the product and leave you with a streaky face which is never a great look! On the back of the pack it says use dry for a full coverage but this never worked for me- it left my face more cakey and uneven. When I wet my sponge I completely soak it, warm water first allowing the sponge to fully expand then cold ready to use! As well as providing better results, you will find it so much easier to use: it literally doubles in size, covering more of your face in a shorter amount of time and leaves the product on your face, not in the sponge.

2. WASH IT! Along with wetting it to use, it needs to washed, you are putting makeup onto it everyday and just like your make up brushes, it needs to be washed. As the sponge is getting wet it will dry with the left over product and therefore slowly become rough and not as soft as when you originally bought it. I wash mine every 3 days at least to keep it smelling and feeling fresh. I find with the wetting, washing process a sponge will last me a much longer time than if I was to use it dry. I usually buy a new one every three months but when I used it dry had to buy a new one every month! When washing your sponge use an unscented bar of soap and rub thoroughly with warm water squeezing from flat edge to tip- this will remove product and leave it the original vibrant orange colour you bought it in.

3. PAT DON'T RUB! This adorable little sponge promises big things: 'miracle complexion', 'dewy glow' and biggest of all 'covers imperfections' but the only way you will achieve this is using it how it was designed to be used. After applying your product either directly to the sponge, back of your hand or even your face pat the product across your face quickly and lightly, don't pull it across your face with harsh strokes- it won't work! Using the repetitive patting motion will provide you with perfectly even coverage and an airbrushed finish.

Good luck using beauty blenders guys, let me know if you have any more tips or tricks for the perfect results from these little miracle sponges!

Until next time, Toni. xo

Beauty blender pictured: Real Techniques Base Sponge 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Shopper Savings

Happy August! Everyone loves saving money or even better being given free products, so I've gathered together a few of my favourite loyalty rewards cards this month that help save money and reward shopping for products I love with even more of those same products!

1.   The Boots card is by far my favourite card of those I’ve included. It’s a free membership you sign up to online at when you receive your card through the post with your name on you can start collecting 4 points every £1 you spend online and in store. Eventually these points will start to add up and allow you to use them like money – when you have enough points to pay for an item you wish to buy you will get the option to use them – effectively getting the product free! You also receive vouchers through the post allowing you to earn double points or even hundreds more than usual with a certain amount spent. It is by far the easiest card to use and own, rewarding you regularly, all for absolutely no price.

2.   The Body Shop card is equally as rewarding giving you 10% off all purchases for a year, free products when you have collected a certain amount of stamps, a free birthday present every year, exclusive offers, event accessibility and discounts as well as being the first to see new products. However, this card is not simply a reward scheme but a membership meaning it is a cost of £5 for sign up. I don’t think this is a large price to pay for what you are given and the exclusives you have access to for this quality product range. Sign up here:
3.   Debenhams rewards card is a card you can pick up in store and register over the counter or online here: . It works much like the Boots card as when you shop throughout the store on beauty products you collect points which amount to monetary rewards. The rewards include discounts, free samples, make over opportunities and even free online shopping delivery!

4.   The ‘Beautycard’ from Superdrug is offered over the counter with registration in store or online at: . The card gives you £1 to spend for every 100 points earnt; allowing you to be rewarded with discounts, exclusive offers and specialist pricing, free online delivery and even birthday gifts every year. There are also often online offers for card holders allowing triple points to be earnt with every purchase. This is one of the most popular cards on the market with the user friendly access and availability to start earning points straight away with no upfront costs or long winded sign ups.,default,pg.html

5.   House of Fraser also offer a recognition rewards card that can be picked up in store and registered online here:,default,pg.html  . This is a free membership points card that can be used online or in store with card and cash transactions. You are given 1 point for every £1 spent and when you collect 500 points you are given a £5 reward to spend how you like. The card also allows access to exclusive offers and discounts, events and even bonus points throughout you birthday month. With easy online management and tracking of your card you will always know how many points you have and any upcoming events and offers.

I would recommend all 5 of these beauty rewards cards to anyone who shops regularly for new products, keeping up to date with the newest beauty trends. Before you know it you will have enough points to earn yourself something free and you will be receiving offers and discounts from nearly all the leading cosmetic shops on the high street. Having vouchers, free testers and exclusives sent to you through the post to try before you buy is always helpful for any cosmetic enthusiast.

Until next time, Toni. xo