I'm writing this after looking at a blank page for an hour, I have literally just been sat for an hour going through blog post ideas, writing and rewriting so many different titles onto a blank draft. Every time I go to write the body of the post my hands hover over the keyboard waiting for inspiration to hit me and words to flow out and so far, they haven't.
So, I guess a streak of inspiration finally hit me as I realised what better time to write a post about writers block than when I have it!
a. It will be fresh on my mind and hopefully the post will be publish-worthy
b. it may bring me out of my writer's block rut and encourage me to write more posts
Personally, as a blogger there is nothing worse than having all these post ideas written down and not being able to produce them, it's frustrating but also really stressful because I like being ahead on posts and as ideas come to me I get excited knowing I can do that but my lack of motivation and inspiration to write stops me.
With that being said, here are my top 10 tips for getting over or coping with writer's block! (surprise surprise, in a list)
1. Take a break! Walk away and don't do what I did by sitting in front of a screen waiting for the words to come to you. It will happen when it's right.
2. Chat to blogger friends, see if they've got any ideas or if they've seen any great blog posts recently that might suit your style. Blogger friends are the best form of all things blogging related: the information, ideas and feedback you will get from them is far more personal, reliable and brutally honest than any twitter poll or comment section you will find.
3. Always always always write ideas down! I love doing this; anytime a blog idea, title, question, theme or anything at all comes to me, I write it down. Even if they're just messy notes on a receipt or ticket etc. from something you've done or seen/heard/ate/bought, if you look back in your notes you will find some form of inspiration to kick start your writing again.
4. Scroll through Pinterest! Even if its pictures of puppies, curtains, tattoos, wedding invites or DIY furniture it will get your creative juices flowing and before you know it something will come to you and away you'll go writing until your hands ache.
5. Read through the blogs you follow and catch up on those you've missed. On Bloglovin, something I always do whenever I really relate to or show interest in a post is like it, it may be because I plan to write a post similar in the future - following along the same lines but using my own experience - or just to save to read later because the title caught my eye! This may bring old ideas back or even kick start fresh, new ideas.
7. Speak to a real life person. Sometimes I find staring at a computer screen really makes me shut down. My typing slows and I become tired, hence lack of motivation to continue. Recently however whenever this has happened I've gotten up out of my seat; walked, stretched and can you believe it, spoken to an actual human being instead of typing my thoughts into an unresponsive draft post!
8. Drink water. This isn't just for when you hit the writer's wall, you should always have a very large bottle or glass of water by you whilst writing, I find it gives my hands a break, refreshes me and of course prevents me from having headaches, getting tired or feeling irritable.
9. Listen to music! My all time favourite way to listen to music for a source of inspiration always used to be to go onto 8tracks and find a great playlist, however since 8tracks has limited its services I can no longer use it effectively and so have turned to Spotify. Now, I never really rated Spotify (don't get me wrong the music, playlists and usability is great) but due to the ads and the fact I refused to pay for premium, the likability factor was never really there for me. However, after using it for several months I've realised the ads are hardly noticeable when you're on a good playlist and you're too deep into writing to even notice so NO I still haven't gone premium...
10. Now last but by no means least, STOP. You don't need to write this post right now, your life does not depend on it. For me personally I never have and probably never will have a strict post schedule to stick to. I don't have millions of followers waiting for the clock to hit 5pm to refresh my blog. I do this for me, writing is something I enjoy and stressing myself out is something I don't enjoy, so I try where possible to keep the two separate. If I feel my blog is stressing me out, I stop. I think a lot of bloggers put pressure on themselves to perform. I can completely understand if you're working with a brand and have a deadline you may worry when it comes to finalising posts or if your main source of income is from your blog it may become a worry; but for most of us this is a hobby, our thing on the side of our everyday lives and regular jobs, so post when you can, when you feel ready and happy with your content, you don't owe anyone anything.
Now, after writing this list I'm feeling motivated, inspired and ready to write posts until my eyes glaze over and feel heavy! Who thought writing a post about writer's block would cure writer's block? I'm a big fan of irony.
Do you struggle with writer's block? What are your tips to help?
Until next time, Toni. xo
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