Glossybox is an online beauty subscription box that has been going for many years - I discovered the subscription service through instagram when a sponsored avertisement popped up on my feed - I was instantly intruiged as I had never thought to sign up to a service like this one. I realised this was a great way for me to try new and different products I may otherwise never have the opportunity to.
After looking on the Glossybox website [here] I opted for the 3 month plan where you pay a set amount and get boxes for 3 months - if you like the service after 3 months the service continues in the same way with payments being taken quarterly (you can opt out at any time). There are other payment plans including monthly, half yearly and annually.
The less often you pay the cheaper it becomes!
Monthly = £10
3 Month = £9.50
6 Month = £9
12 Month = £8.50
My first subscription box was for June and arrived very quickly! I will be totally honest in saying I was slightly disspointed with this box as none of the products were make up and I'm not a lover of nail varnish. However, the actual contents of the box were good quality and worth a lot more than what I paid for my month's subscription.
Each month Glossybox selects a number of products from different companies across the world, ranging in price and what you get in your particular box is the luck of the draw. I know in June there was also an Essence Lipgloss I would have liked to try but my box just so happened to contain the nail varnish.
Out of this box I have only so far used the wipes and the body mist. I've found the wipes very gentle on the skin and the fact they're non fragranced means that sensitive skin isn't irritated! The pack is also a very handy size making it perfect for festivals along with the gold and black body tattoos. The body mist's handy bottle size is great for the bottom of your bag when you're skin is having a bad day and needs a pick me up. I've found the oil based product is a great, deeply moisturing spray that leaves your skin non-sticky and feeling refreshed. As the product is very oil based I would reccomend it only for people with dry/normal skin textures as oily skin would see no benefit.
July saw a collector's edition, French inspired Glossybox that focused on skin care! This box was very exciting to open as the packaging was completely different and I didn't know what to expect. I love the care that goes into the boxes as the products are layered with shreded tissue paper and wrapped with a sheet of tissue paper. This paper is usually black and baby pink topped off with a black ribbon bow and Glossybox logo sticker.
The July box cleverly used French flag colours throughout the box including the tissue paper, ribbon and Glossybox sticker. It is small touches like this that made me love the Glossybox packaging as I imagined each box personally put together by hand and sent off to each subscriber - giving the worldwide service a very personal touch.
When it comes to the products I was very happy with the contents as each product was amazing quality and great size. The difference with this box was that one of the products was actually a make up bag/travel pouch which I've been loving for transporting my brushes away from home! My favourite product from the box was: The Lollipop's Lip Balm. This box also had several products that you may or may not get due to luck of the draw but after looking over the other possible products on the site I was over the moon with the product selection I was sent.
The Lipbalm glides onto the lips effortlessly and leaves a perfect shine on the surface with long staying power and a perfect hydration impact. This is actually a product I've nearly finished and will be looking to find and repurchase as soon as I have emptied the tube. I would reccomend this product to literally anyone, I've luckily never suffered badly with dry lips but find this product locks in the natural hydration my lips have. If you have dry lips this will provide the perfect sollution to stop your lips feeling chapped or sore. Even over the top of your favourite lipstick, on a no make up day or just to give your lips a little added extra with soft makeup, this works perfectly.
August's box was back to normal packaging but the product content blew every other box I had recieved out the water! This box had set products with every subscriber recieving the same contents, I can honestly say I love every single product and they are all being used regularly within my make up and skin care collections. I struggle to pick a favoruite product from the August box as each of them have become go-to products in the recent month! However the product I have been using religiously every day is the Naobay Toner, not only have I used this to remove any make up that may be left after cleansing but also on non make up days to give my face a refreshing and hydrating boost. The bottle size is very generous and will last a while, however I know I will buying more before I run down this bottle to ensure I don't go a day without it. This product is good for all skin types and is very delicate on the skin not to irritate any sensitive areas.
I will now change my subscription to annual payments to save money and revieve boxes until my heart desires! I would reccomend this service or any similar ones to anyone wanting to try new products regularly and for an extreamly reasonable price as this service brings high end and sometimes holy grail products straight to your door offering a personal, fast and top quality service!
Until next time, Toni. xo
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