Earlier this year I travelled to Devon, England with one of my closest friends. We decided to go on holiday together in the time we had off from work and school to have some fun, explore and hopefully try something new; we successfully did all of those things!
On one of the days we spent there we walked down to the near by beach where we found beach huts-one of my all time favourite things about the seaside- we also sat on the sea front on the pebble beach and walked along the sand near the water. It wasn't exactly warm which, obviously in the UK wasn't a shock so thankfully we were prepared (coats, hats, gloves, the works!) I found that the beach huts were all different and the way they were decorated all very unique with bright and vibrant colours which made the beach front look beautiful. If ever you're in Devon make sure to look out for them as they are certainly something to look at!

Another one of my favourite things we did there was go on the big wheel by the yacht docks, my friend however wasn't exactly what you would call 'excited' about the prospect of being in a little box swinging in the breeze, high in the sky, she was petrified and I literally had to drag her onto it. When we were in the air she relaxed slightly but still had to hold my hand the whole way round! That was her 'trying something new' experience; mine doesn't seem so big compared to her conquering her fear, but I tried coffee and I can positively say I definitely won't be drinking it again.

Whilst exploring the Devonshire sea fronts, docks, shops, streets and markets we came across some places that I pretty much fell in love with! One was a café bar in the centre of a dock market made from an old camping van, the whole van was the kitchen and to be served you had to go to the window and ring a bell then sit on the deck chairs along the front of the docks where they would bring you your order, it was so original and retro and gave you the ultimate unique experience.
The other was a small handmade crafts shop in a lane behind where all the high street shops were. We actually found this shop when we got lost when trying to find our way back to the car, which proves that something great can come from a not so great situation. The owner of the shop told us that he makes most of the things himself such as the candles, all of the things made of wood and his wife and friends help with everything else such as ornaments, soaps etc. It was such a lovely shop and I made some purchases for things back home in my room and a couple of handmade bath bombs.