I have been a huge fan of all apple products for around 4 years now and I have had the iPhone 3G, 4S and now the iPhone 6 and I am a bigger fan than ever!
The model I own now is the 64GB iPhone 6 in the regular size, in the colour space grey. Not only did I instantly fall in love with the colour and the overall appearance of the phone, I knew straight away I had to have the 64GB as all the phones I have owned in the past I have struggled for storage space and I've found myself having to delete my own media to allow for an iOS update.
Things I Love:
1. The screen size! In the past, the screen has not filled the surface of the phone it does now and I've always wondered why, this phone's surface area is mainly the touch screen meaning it displays things so much bigger and of better quality.
2. The camera quality. I know phones will never have the equivalent quality of a camera but I found with this model the quality from previous apple products has improved dramatically! Even the front camera automatically lightens the picture and focuses straight away without having to tap to find the face or zoom in and out several times to get it the way I want. I especially love the slow-motion and time lapse camera settings.
3. Light weight! I have never had a phone so big and so light all at the same time, everything is so packed into such a thin yet large phone it is surprising how little it weighs when resting in your hand. Comparing it to my old phones really emphasises the difference.
4. The curved edges and smooth back. It is such a lovely feeling phone when resting in your hand, although it was a huge size increase from my iPhone 4s, I have quickly adapted due to the smooth metal and rounded edges making it so easy to move around in your hands and use. Also, I found the back doesn't get as hot as the previous apple products I have owned when it is on charge at the same time I am using it. This is a big help as I used to have to stop using my old phone when it got too hot as it would start to burn my hand!
5. The overall design and look of the phone! I have had so many compliments about how lovely the phone looks, the way the home button blends into the front of the phone, the smaller buttons, thinner build, nicer colour, bigger camera, better speaker quality and clearer microphone.
I honestly think that this is the best product apple have created yet and I am extremely happy to have invested in one.
I hope this has helped anyone wanting help and advice on whether to opt for the phone or not, I would highly recommend the phone to anyone who has or hasn't had an apple product in the past, the changes and improvements stand out dramatically and it is super user friendly!
Until next time, Toni. xo